
The animation studio provides a teaching whose end goal is the development of the artistic sense and the personal writing of the students while practising the techniques specific to this discipline. The studio aims to develop directors and animators capable of integrating the professional world while maintaining their singularity as artists. The studio promotes experimental film, research, art-house films and their iterations across multiple media: film, games, information panels, museum installations, etc.
Animated film has been a part of La Cambre since 1958. As of 2002, the studio has been providing its teaching with computer technology and materials. The training privileges the traditional animation techniques, drawings on paper, cut-out elements, animated objects, modelling clay, puppets, pixilation, etc. implemented via contemporary technological means.
The curriculum developed in the studio is based on a differentiated pedagogy and on a project-based pedagogy.
A project-based pedagogy
It is through concrete implementation that the students shape their artistic personalities, getting to grips with the project and the completed object, the conception and the realization. The student must be active; they take ownership of their knowledge and know-how in leading their artistic proposals through to completion. The student must also be up to the demands of giving completed form to their intentions (instructions, deadlines, short-, medium- and long-term project management).
A differentiated pedagogy
The heterogeneity of the students, from the point of view of their knowledge and above all of their imaginations, demands (in particular in arts teaching) a differentiated pedagogy. Each student is a personality which deserves particular attention and orientation. The end goal of the pedagogy is to aid the student to learn how to learn: to construct by themselves their knowledge and to own it.
During the bachelor’s, whose programme is for the large part constituted of compulsory core learning activities, the student acquires a baggage of knowledge, aptitudes and skills. These learning activities permit them to invent and realize artistic productions in which their personality is expressed, along with their mastery of the tools of creation.
The master’s offers the student a wide range of possibilities in the construction of a programme of research, experimentations and realizations meeting the demands and standards of the professional world of work, which they implement on their own or collectively. By the end of this training, the student has become a professional aware of their responsibilities and capable of assuming them fully when dealing with society, in the various contexts in which they will be led to intervene.

Pedagogical coordination :
Vincent Gilot, animator

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« Tête de linotte » réalisé par Gaspar Chabau en 2020
« Papa Zaza » réalisé par Géraldine Charpentier en 2020
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«Not Today», Marine Jacob, Master, 2018
Laura Nicolas, Agrégation, 69 secondes - Prix Magritte 2018
Laura Nicolas, Agrégation, 69 secondes - Prix Magritte 2018
Lorène Yavo, Master, A Chacun sa malédiction - Prix BeTV au festival Anima 2018
Lorène Yavo, Master, A Chacun sa malédiction - Prix BeTV au festival Anima 2018