
Ceramics is a discipline with its own history, which manifests itself within a very wide contemporary framework. The range of possibilities in which ceramics may be deployed runs from the creation of objectsto experimental installations via architectural pieces. The ceramicist masters a technique but is not limited by it and may consider working with other materials when their art project requires it. This multidisciplinarity is beneficial for nourishing an open-minded reflection and practice which are not restricted by the technical dimension.
The ceramics studio wishes to pass on its technical and historical knowledge while developing a critical perspective on the discipline in order to enable the student to develop their artistic personality. In offering a demanding and open teaching of ceramics, the goal is to train individuals whose technical and artistic skills enable the use of ceramic tools in a personal practice of creation. Emphasis is placed on technique linked to concept while insisting on the relationship between the reflection and the materials.
The studio is a laboratory in which experimentation is the starting point for a questioning triggered by external catalysts, including guest speakers, visits to exhibitions and studios. The training is provided by a pedagogical team of individuals with diverse professional backgrounds: ceramic artists, artists, designers, technicians, etc.
The studio is open. It promotes interdisciplinary exchanges and benefits from the breadth of quality specific to La Cambre. Since 2009 it has been part of the European ECART network (European Ceramic Art & Research Team), established by different art and design schools in Europe (HEAD in Geneva, Villa Arson in Nice, Pavillon Bosio in Monaco, Ensa in Limoges). The network prioritizes mobility, exchange and reflection about ceramics as a medium by organizing studios, symposia and exhibitions.
During the bachelor’s, whose programme is for the large part constituted of compulsory core learning activities, the student acquires a baggage of knowledge and technical skills that will help them to develop personal work, to establish an original position while taking into account the many facets of the discipline.
The master’s offers a wide range of possibilities in the construction of an individual programme. By the end of this training, the student is both an autonomous creator capable of mastering and passing on precise technical knowledge and an artist who clearly positions themself within the context they will have chosen among the multiple existing or yet to be invented possibilities.

Pedagogical coordination

Caroline Andrin

Pedagogical staff

Joëlle Swanet, Abel Jallais, Clémentine Vaultier, Marianne Lebrun, Paolo Iori, Stéphanie Mahieu, Cédric Piechowski, Virgile Goyet

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À la Loupe, Léna Babinet, Agathe Rottier et Alliocha Tazi, porcelaine estampée et sérigraphiée, collaboration entre les ateliers céramique et gravure/image imprimée, 2018
La mort des huit chevaux du bonheur, Jonas Moënne, Master, assemblage de porcelaine, grès et cristal, cale de tapis, 2018
Lou solèu me fait canta, Pauline Bonnet, bachelier, grès, coulage, émail incuit, 2018
Abel Jallais, Master, juin 2017
Clémentine Vaultier, Bachelier, juin 2017
Cours de technologie céramique avec Joëlle Swanet, décembre 2020, © Béatrice Guilleman
Recherches technologiques et bols de Manon Clouzeau, diplômée de Master en 2012
Agathe Dupérou, Bachelier, recherches technologiques, 2018
Myung-Joo KIM, Master, deuil, prix "Les Amis de La Cambre", 2014
La grande cuisson bois, Villecroze, novembre 2017
Jonas Moënne, Master, la grande cuisson bois, détail
Julia Stehling, Master, présentation, janvier 2018