Performing Identity
‘Performing identity’ is a nomadic programme of training and practice in performance art that has been designed over two academic years (2022-2023 and 2023-2024).
The programme brought together around fifteen students from higher arts education institutions practising performance art. Four art schools were involved: ENSAV La Cambre and ESA Le 75 in Brussels (BE), UAP in Poznan (PL), Burren College of Art in the Burren (IE), and three festivals: Verão Azul in Lagos (PT), New Performance Turku in Turku (FI) and (Pas si) Fragile ! in Brussels (BE).
Focusing on the question of identity, the programme included a succession of workshops in artistic practice, professional and theoretical meetings, festival visits and presentations of performances in different public settings.
The whole process was documented and shared via an original digital platform.