Territoires tissés


Territoires tissés is a transdisciplinary, collaborative project between the Association pour la valorisation et la promotion du tissage traditionnel d'Abomey (AVPTTA), the École du Patrimoine Africain (EPA), both in Benin, and L'ENSAV La Cambre in Brussels, with the support of Wallonie-Bruxelles-International and ARES (Development Cooperation).

Starting in 2019, exchanges of students, teachers and weavers were set up in order to understand an exceptional context of craft production and heritage, and to contribute to enhancing the value of the textiles produced and the location of the weaving workshops (in their environment and ergonomics).

The project looked at creation and craftsmanship as a means of bringing people together, learning and becoming emancipated.

This initiative is part of a bilateral cooperation programme between Benin and Belgium, running until 2023. A 5-year programme has been set up as a laboratory giving craftspeople, design and architecture students and EPA students the opportunity to invest in the values conveyed by textile production and the workshop site: a vehicle for civilisation, art and culture, technology and a crucial heritage and economic resource.

During the COVID crisis, with no possibility of travelling for several months, the students and the partners' cross-disciplinary teams developed the Agonglovo.com website, relating to the project and promoting local production by Beninese craftspeople.