Accessories (Master’s program only)
The Accessories Master's programme is aimed at students and graduates from higher education in the arts whose work focuses on fashion and luxury accessories, leather goods design, contemporary jewellery and, more broadly, the production of wearable objects.
The accessories sector is currently undergoing unprecedented expansion. Far from being limited to the world of fashion, it now extends to all levels of design and production. The accessory is becoming a veritable field of experimentation, combining art, politics, design, technology and craftsmanship. This emerging phenomenon is fuelled by a constant quest for innovation, personalisation and sustainability, generating new dynamics between the luxury, ready-to-wear and contemporary art sectors.
At the heart of these developments, the Accessories Master's programme trains designers capable of grasping these multi-dimensional issues. Students are invited to explore new forms, rethink everyday objects and experiment with avant-garde materials and techniques. Thanks to its interdisciplinary approach, this course prepares future professionals to meet the challenges of a fast-changing sector, where accessories are no longer just ornaments, but a genuine means of expression, a vector of communication and an object of desire, in constant interaction with society, ecology and new technologies.
The course encourages the development of concepts that are both original and innovative, while enabling students to create a coherent visual language. Particular attention is paid to image management, and students are encouraged to interact with other creative fields such as drawing, graphic identity, 3D, photographic production, installation and the spatial organisation of projects. Students work at the frontiers of these disciplines, exploring new forms and meanings, while remaining attentive to the mechanisms of communication and dissemination. Their work is fully in line with contemporary artistic and social issues.
While the course does not offer technical specialisation in the countless areas of accessory production, it does provide cutting-edge expertise in leather goods, millinery and jewellery. Above all, it prepares students to become creators and designers capable of exploring and transforming the potential of materials. The course helps them to develop an innovative, multidisciplinary approach, integrating the artistic, technical and production constraints associated with the use of materials. Students benefit from the support of their teachers, the expertise of the craftspeople, artists and designers they meet during their workshop projects, and the diversity of theoretical, artistic and technological skills available at the school.
In the first year, through a series of short and long joint projects, students structure their research in methodological, conceptual, technical and visual terms. They also define the broad outlines of their diploma project by initiating their initial research and development. An internship, positioned between the two years of the Master's programme, offers an in-depth immersion in a specialist field of the student's choice and is a key stage in the preparation of their personal project. The ‘accessories collection’ takes up the bulk of the second half of the course and represents the high point of the programme. It will be presented at the end of the Master's programme, accompanied by a presentation file and a unique installation, according to each student's approach.
The final project is submitted and defended by the student in front of a jury of specialist professionals, both national and international, guaranteeing a rigorous and objective assessment. Given the condensed duration of the programme (2-year Master's degree), the emphasis is on a specialised focus and in-depth practical experience.
Pedagogical coordination
Didier Vervaeren
Pedagogical staff
David de Tscharner, Annoula Casale