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For a language of all possible


The Bye Bye Binary (BBB) collective, formed in November 2018 during a joint workshop of the typography workshops of the École de Recherche Graphique (erg) and La Cambre (Brussels), proposes to explore new graphic and typographic forms adapted to the French language, taking language and inclusive writing as a starting point, a field of experimentation and a research subject. The Théâtre National Wallonie-Bruxelles has recently been given new management and, to accompany this new way of looking at the world, is initiating an in-depth study of its identity. Because a start has to be made somewhere, a first meeting has been arranged to address the issue of inclusive writing. How can we, as a cultural institution, position ourselves on its use? In order to reflect on this issue in depth, the Théâtre National is organising a day of reflection and meetings between its teams and external guests to shed light on this question.

The Théâtre National Wallonie-Bruxelles has recently been given a new direction, a new project, and, to accompany this new outlook on the world, is initiating an in-depth study of its identity. In order to live up to its missions, it is important that this change is not just cosmetic, but that it involves changes in perspective. Ecology, sustainability, gender equality, new modes of governance and management... these are all subjects that are already fully present at the heart of the institution and its functioning, as well as in the programming axes, but which it seems relevant today to question further.

Because we have to start somewhere, a first meeting is scheduled to address the issue of inclusive writing. How can we, as a cultural institution, position ourselves on its use? In order to reflect on this issue in depth, the National Theatre is organising a day of reflection and meetings between its teams and external guests to shed light on this question.

  • The linguist Laurence Rosier (ULB, Brussels), member of the Council for the French language and linguistic policy in Belgium

  • Læ linguist Alpheratz (Sorbonne University, Paris) author of a gender-neutral grammar

  • Enzo Le Garrec, member of the Club Mæd, author of the Guide Pratique du Langage Inclusif en École d'Art

  • Eugénie Bidaut (Atelier National de Recherche Typographique, Nancy) and Laure Giletti (Atelier de Typographie, La Cambre, Brussels), members of the Bye Bye Binary actix collective on the development of inclusive, non-binary, genderfucker typefaces 

  • Joëlle Sambi (author, artist associated with the National Theatre) is associated with this day in view of a second study day to come, which will extend the reflection on systems of domination in language and writing.

  • Camille Circlude (erg, Brussels), member of the Bye Bye Binary collective, and Benoît Henken of the National Theatre are coordinating this day of reflection.

  • How can we position ourselves politically in favour of research into inclusive, non-binary, post-binary and genderfucker writing?

  • How can we bet on research and experimentation, work with partial forms, under construction, evolving, opening up the collective imagination?

  • How can the singular voice of each artist and the institution's overall artistic project be conveyed at the same time?

  • How can we put in place the necessary means to support the institution's staff in discovering, learning and practicing inclusive writing and typographic creations?

  • How can the widest possible public be integrated into this proactive approach?

  • How can we commit to free licensing protocols that authorise and promote the use, modification and sharing of typographic creations?

  • How can we define ourselves in the non-definition?


The day before, on the occasion of the publication of an article by Bye Bye Binary in the magazine Raddar, the collective will come to present their work, on Thursday 25 November from 6pm to 9pm, at the bookshop Peinture fraîche as well as their selection of books with commentary.


Bye Bye Binary (BBB) is a Franco-Belgian collective, a pedagogical experiment, a community, a variable typo-graphic creation workshop, a network, an alliance. The collective, formed in November 2018 during a joint workshop of the typography workshops of the École de Recherche Graphique (erg) and La Cambre (Brussels), proposes to explore new graphic and typographic forms adapted to the French language, in particular the creation of glyphs (letters, ligatures, median points, linking or symbiotic elements) taking as a starting point, a field of experimentation and a subject of research the language and inclusive writing.

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