
Exchange and partnerships

Since it was founded, La Cambre has maintained a policy of openness to the world and to society at large. The international dimension of the School is rendered visible by the cultural diversity of its students, something which is fundamental in an arts school – as well as by the many exchanges and partnerships maintained by each department. The School is also represented by its students and teachers in a wide range of workshops, festivals, exhibitions, biennials and competitions throughout Europe and beyond.


La Cambre participates in the Erasmus program of the European Union, allowing Master’s level students (2nd cycle) to continue their studies over several months under the auspices of a study trip or a course at another arts school or European university. Students from La Cambre may also study outside the European Union under the auspices of the FAME program or elsewhere in Belgium via the program Erasmus Belgica.

The school has sponsored more than 70 cooperation agreements.

For the 3rd consecutive time, La Cambre has committed to respecting the fundamental principles of Erasmus mobility via a University Charter for the period running from 2015/ 2016 to 2020/ 2021. The charter contains a Declaration for an Erasmus Strategy (EPS) whose text is attached.

Directorate General Education and Culture, Lifelong Learning Program:

Education, audiovisual and culture Executive Agency:


La Cambre has developed several teaching programs in conjunction with other schools and European/ international universities: the ECART network linking 5 European arts schools and focusing on ceramics (including the HEAD in Geneva, the Villa Arson, the Pavillon Bosio in Monaco, the ENSA in Limoges); the “Print Making Union” network, with the Central St Martin's College in London, the Academy in Antwerp, the Academy in the Hague and the HGB in Leipzig; and the creation of a new fashion school at the Academy of Beaux-arts in Beiruit, Lebanon (ALBA).

New collaborative perspectives are planned in Europe (in Poznan and Helsinki), and in India, Argentina and Japan. The School is also involved in two cooperative partnerships under the auspices of the WBI, in Haiti (in the field of open-source software) and in the Congo (in the art restoration field).
